ACP部長級會議就與歐盟EPA漁業議題進行協商來自非洲、加勒比海及太平洋地區(ACP)的太平洋國家聯盟之第二次區域性漁業暨貿易部長級聯合會議於近日在PNG召開。索羅門群島漁業暨海洋資源部代理部長Moffat 房地產Fugui於會中預告,未來會將岸上投資意願納入與遠洋作業國及船隊在簽署作業協定時的重大考量。部長級會議針對即將於11月中與歐盟在布魯塞爾召開的經濟夥伴協定(EPA)相關的漁業議題進行協商。會議共識包長灘島括希望簽署保證全球輸銷歐盟的生鮮及冷凍水產品5%須源自島國水域、建議協商新的歐盟與索羅門群島雙邊漁業協定時將作業天數機制(VDS)納入考量。 (摘譯自INFOFISH Trade News, No. 17/2011 ,15 室內設計September 2011) During a recent Regional Fisheries and Trade Ministers joint meeting in Papua New Guinea, Acting Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources Moffat Fugui has warned that 設計裝潢future fishing access agreements with distant water fishing nations and fishing fleets will be conditional on the satisfactory negotiation of an agreement that will be clearly linked to 酒店打工on-shore investments. The leaders met to finalize their positions on fisheries issues in preparation for their next round of Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) negotiations with the EU 借貸scheduled for mid-November 2011 in Brussels. The EU is linking the request by island countries for global sourcing of fresh and frozen fish to a 5% guarantee of access to fish in their 設計裝潢waters. Currently, the EU has a bilateral fishing agreement with Solomon Islands but no allocation of days under the newly implemented Vessel Day Scheme (VDS). This could be accommodated 房地產in the negotiation of new fishing access agreements. This was the second time a joint meeting of Fisheries and Trade Ministers of the Pacific bloc of the African, Caribbean and Pacific 九份民宿(ACP) Group of States was held to progress fisheries issues in the EPA negotiations.

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